
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
本集嘉宾 Spark 和 Jared 分享了 实操经验 对职业发展的关键作用。Spark 是资深价值投资者兼 Value In Mind Academy 创办人,YouTube 频道坐拥超30万订阅者和3,000万观看次数。Jared 是 SUMA College 院长,拥有12年数字营销经验,并深耕网络营销领域多年。
他们探讨了企业为何更看重 解决问题的实际能力,而非单纯的理论知识。同时,他们分享了通过 实习、销售 和 市场经验 如何帮助年轻求职者提前适应职场,找到真正热爱的职业方向。Spark 和 Jared 也强调了 主动承担责任、以结果为导向 的职场心态对职业成功的重要性。
In this episode, Spark and Jared share how practical experience is the key to career development. Spark, a seasoned value investor and founder of Value In Mind Academy, has amassed over 300,000 subscribers and 30 million views on YouTube. Jared, the Dean of SUMA College, brings 12 years of expertise in digital marketing and extensive industry insights.
They discuss why problem-solving skills matter more to employers than theoretical knowledge. Through internships, sales roles, and real-world projects, young job seekers can better adapt to the workforce and discover careers they truly love. Spark and Jared also highlight the importance of taking ownership and focusing on results as crucial skills for long-term success.
If you're feeling uncertain about your career path or want to boost your competitiveness, this episode offers actionable tips and valuable insights to help you get ahead.
If you enjoyed this episode, share your thoughts on our social media pages!
Follow us on Social Media here:
XiaoHongShu: https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/633a5910000000001802b63b
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zhixunbyhiredly/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@zhixunbyhiredly
Follow Hello Mentor!: http://hiredly.com/hellomentor

Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
S2, EP10 | Ashley Yeo - #OTW To Managing Your Energy Better
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Ashley Yeo不仅是马来西亚资深的商业律师,还是三位孩子的妈妈。作为一家律师事务所的创办人,她每天都在繁忙的工作和家庭之间寻找平衡。除了法律工作,Ashley还是小红书上最受欢迎的马来西亚法律博主之一,擅长用简单易懂的方式解释复杂的法律概念,帮助观众更好地理解法律。我们特别邀请她来到我们的播客,分享她是如何在事业和家庭中自如切换,同时保持充沛的精力。
Ashley Yeo is not only a commercial lawyer in Malaysia but also a mother of three. As the founder of her own law firm, she juggles the demands of a busy career and family life every day. In addition to her legal work, Ashley is one of the most popular Malaysian legal content creators on Xiao Hong Shu, where she simplifies complex legal concepts to help her audience better understand the law. We’ve invited her to our podcast today to share how she navigates between her career and family while maintaining her energy and focus.
In this episode, Ashley will discuss how she manages her energy, rather than just her time, to handle her hectic life. She will share her concept of "work-life integration" and explain how she prioritizes her energy between work, family, and social media to keep everything running smoothly. For those looking to boost their productivity and find a better work-life balance, this episode is sure to offer plenty of insights and practical advice.
If you enjoy the podcast, do leave us feedback on our social media pages! It will help us understand our listeners better and help convince high-profile guests to join us on the show.
Follow us on Social Media here:
XiaoHongShu: https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/633a5910000000001802b63b
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zhixunbyhiredly/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@zhixunbyhiredly
Follow Hello Mentor!: http://hiredly.com/hellomentor

Monday Oct 07, 2024
Monday Oct 07, 2024
In this exciting episode of Hello Mentor, we’re joined by the talented Reuben Kang, a visionary writer-director and master storyteller. Best known for his work on JinnyboyTV and as the founder of Imagineers Film, Reuben has created memorable web films for major celebrations like Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, and Merdeka.
Reuben takes us behind the scenes of his creative journey, sharing surprising stories and revealing how he balances artistic vision with the pressures of creating content that resonates with millions. He dives into his unique creative process and how his upbringing shaped his authentic storytelling style, while debunking the common misconceptions about the filmmaking world.
Packed with valuable advice for aspiring creators, Reuben also talks about the daily habits that keep him sharp,the tools every storyteller should invest in, and the most unforgettable reactions from his audience. Plus, he shares the message he'd want to spread through a viral film and the biggest lessons he’s learned along the way.
Whether you’re a storyteller, filmmaker, or just a fan of inspiring journeys, this episode is filled with insights you won’t want to miss!
Follow us on Social Media here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/growwithhiredly/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hiredlymy/
Follow Hello Mentor!: http://hiredly.com/hellomentor

Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
S2, EP8 | Edd Zain - #OTW to Thriving as a Freelancer
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Episod ini menampilkan Edd Zain—pereka UI/UX, coach bebas, penulis, pembicara, dan juga seringkali berkongsi tentang kesedaran kesihatan mental. Kisah hidup Edd sangat menginspirasikan! Bermula dari pereka UI/UX untuk syarikat permulaan teknologi, kini menjadi penyokong untuk pekerja bebas (freelance) yang sedang menghadapi cabaran kerjaya dan kesihatan mental.
Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk mendengar perbualan yang menarik dan penuh inspirasi ini, padat dengan tips berguna, cerita motivasi, dan langkah-langkah praktikal untuk tingkatkan kerjaya bebas dan kesejahteraan mental anda.
Get ready for an insightful chat with Edd Zain, a true multi-hyphenate! Not only is Edd a UI/UX designer working with tech startups, but she’s also a freelance coach, author, speaker, and mental health advocate. In this episode, hosted by Syasya Madu, Edd opens up about her incredible journey from web design to empowering freelancers and promoting mental well-being.
Edd shares her personal strategies for juggling her various roles, while offering invaluable tips on avoiding burnout in the fast-paced freelance world. From ensuring a steady income to setting boundaries with clients, she has mastered the art of balancing professional success with personal care. 🧘♀️✨
And it doesn’t stop there—Edd also gives us a glimpse into her experience growing her Twitter community to 20k followers, and how that network has fueled both her advocacy and career. Curious about how mental health can positively impact your career? Tune in to discover how Edd makes it all work and what she recommends for freelancers striving for career growth without sacrificing their well-being. 💼💡
This episode is packed with motivation, practical tips, and inspiring stories for anyone navigating freelance life or a major career transition. You won’t want to miss it!
#HelloMentor #FreelanceSuccess #MentalHealthMatters #UIUXDesign #CareerGrowth #Inspiration
To check out Edd’s Twitter, here’s the link:
Follow us on Social Media here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hiredlyofficial/
Follow Hello Mentor on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2XquM47vpj8g4P5g0fBIfu?si=ecebd1c0d4ac43e3

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
S2, EP7 | Deborah Henry - #OTW To Changing the World One Step At A Time
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
In this inspiring episode of Hello Mentor, we sit down with Deborah Henry — a pageant queen who was crowned Miss Universe Malaysia in 2011 and continues to use her platform to do great, meaningful work as a TV host, and passionate humanitarian. Deborah shares her journey from the world of fashion and beauty pageants to founding Fugee.org, an organization dedicated to providing education and support for refugees in Malaysia.
🔗 Follow Deborah Henry on Instagram: @deborahenry
Fugee, on a separate note, is a non-profit organization founded by Deborah , dedicated to providing education and support for refugee children. The organization runs Fugee School, offering a safe learning environment for refugee children who would otherwise have limited access to education. Fugee also advocates for refugee rights, empowering them through education, vocational training, and community support programs. Their goal is to help refugees rebuild their lives and integrate into society, giving them hope for a better future.
🔗 Support Fugee: @fugee_org | fugee.org
Deborah also owns her own podcast and you can check that out on Instagram at: @debonair_podcast; where she talks about all things finance this season. 💚
Dive into our conversation with Deborah Henry on how you too; can ‘Change The World One Step At A Time”.
Don't forget to follow us for more inspirational stories! 💫

Thursday Aug 08, 2024
S2, EP6 | Angeline - #OTW To Building Your Confidence in the Workplace
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Angeline 黄玉丽是 988 电台的 DJ,负责逢星期一至五早上6点到10点的《早点Up》。她不仅是一位知性且充满正面情绪的活动与婚礼主持人,还曾在 Astro AEC 电视新闻节目《新闻报报看》担任幕后制作。她曾在 one FM 和 8FM 电台工作,并主持过《Morning Kaki》和《日日好精神》等节目。此外,Angeline 还出版了两本提倡正面思维的著作,分别是《Power Bank:快乐Load不完》和《Power Bank: Full能量》。
在这次访谈中,Angeline 回顾了早期职业生涯如何克服羞怯,并分享了在广播和主持中提升自信的经历。她介绍了在公共场合讲话的一些小技巧,以及为重要演讲或活动做准备的独特方法。Angeline 还提到,在团队工作时如何确保自己的声音被听到,并通过良好沟通解决冲突的经验。面对工作压力和紧张情绪时,她分享了保持自信的心态和方法,并探讨了失败和错误对自信的影响。最后,她为想进入广播或主持行业的年轻人提供了建议,也为职场中感到害羞和缺乏自信的人提出了实用的建议。
Angeline is a DJ at 988 Radio, hosting the show "早点Up" from 6 AM to 10 AM, Monday through Friday. She is not only an insightful and positive event and wedding host but also has experience working behind the scenes on the Astro AEC TV news program "新闻报报看". Angeline has worked at one FM and 8FM, hosting shows such as "Morning Kaki" and "日日好精神". Additionally, she has authored two books promoting positive thinking: "Power Bank:快乐Load不完" and "Power Bank: Full能量".
In this interview, Angeline reflected on how she overcame shyness early in her career and shared her experiences of building confidence in broadcasting and hosting. She introduced some practical tips for public speaking and unique methods for preparing for important speeches or events. Angeline also discussed how to ensure her voice is heard in a team setting and shared her experiences of resolving conflicts through effective communication. When facing work pressure and anxiety, she explained her mindset and strategies for maintaining confidence, and she explored the impact of failures and mistakes on self-confidence. Finally, she offered advice for young people aspiring to enter the broadcasting or hosting industry and provided practical suggestions for those who feel shy and lack confidence in the workplace.
If you enjoy the podcast, do leave us feedback on our social media pages! It will help us understand our listeners better and help convince high-profile guests to join us on the show.
Follow us on Social Media here:
XiaoHongShu: https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/633a5910000000001802b63b
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zhixunbyhiredly/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@zhixunbyhiredly
Follow Hello Mentor!: http://hiredly.com/hellomentor

Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
S2, EP5 | Dr Aen - #OTW to Successfully Changing Career
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Selamat datang ke Episod 5 Hello Mentor Musim 2, #OTW to Successfully Changing Career,” yang dihoskan oleh Syasya Madu! Minggu ini, kita akan dengar tentang perjalanan luar biasa Dr. Aen, pengasas produk penjagaan kulit Alluskin. Bayangkan betapa beraninya Dr Aen mengambil langkah meninggalkan kerjaya stabil dalam bidang perubatan untuk menceburi dunia keusahawanan! Kisahnya memberi ilham untuk anda mengikuti minat dan menempuh cabaran baru dalam kerjaya. Dalam episod ini, beliau berkongsi momen penting yang membangkitkan semangat keusahawanannya, cabaran yang dihadapi, dan strategi unik yang membawa kejayaan dalam Alluskin.
Peralihan Dr. Aen dari bidang perubatan ke penjagaan kulit memang luar biasa. Ketahui bagaimana beliau menggunakan kepakaran perubatannya untuk mencipta produk yang inovatif, serta sistem sokongan yang membantu beliau dalam setiap langkah. Episod ini penuh dengan nasihat dan aspirasi untuk membakar semangat bagi sesiapa yang masih mempertimbangkan perubahan kerjaya yang besar. Strim Episod 5 sekarang untuk mendengarkan perbualan yang akan memberi anda inspirasi & motivasi untuk mengejar impian dan mencapai matlamat keusahawanan anda!
To check out Alluskin, here’s the link:
Welcome to Episode 5 of Hello Mentor Season 2 "#OTW to Successfully Changing Career,” hosted by the ever-engaging Syasya Madu! This week, we're diving into the awe-inspiring journey of Dr. Aen (@draensaari), the innovative founder of Alluskin (@alluskinofficial). Imagine leaving a stable career in medicine to venture into the dynamic world of skincare entrepreneurship—Dr. Aen did just that! Her story is a powerful testament to following your passion and embracing change. In this episode, she shares the pivotal moments that ignited her entrepreneurial spirit, the hurdles she overcame, and the unique strategies that led Alluskin to success.
Dr. Aen’s transition from healthcare to skincare is extraordinary. Discover how she leveraged her medical expertise to create groundbreaking products, and the support system that helped her every step of the way. This episode is packed with invaluable lessons and advice for anyone contemplating a major career change. Don’t miss Dr. Aen’s insights into turning challenges into opportunities and making a successful career transition. Tune in now for a captivating conversation that will inspire you to pursue your dreams and achieve your entrepreneurial goals! Stream Episode 5 for a motivational boost and practical tips on navigating your own career journey.
Follow us on Social Media here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naikgaji.my/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/naikgajimy/
Follow Hello Mentor on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2XquM47vpj8g4P5g0fBIfu?si=ecebd1c0d4ac43e3

Sunday Jul 14, 2024
Sunday Jul 14, 2024
Terbang dari kokpit ke dapur, dua juruterbang berkongsi kisah menarik! Apabila COVID “mematahkan sayap” dua juruterbang ini, mereka tak putus asa untuk terus terbang tinggi! Dalam episod 4 ini, menampilkan Hafiz Rahman dan Afiq Nazar yang berjaya bangkit bersama dan mengembangkan perniagaan mereka dalam Grill Haven.
Bermula dari menjual lemonade, Afiq disunting menjadi founder bersama Hafiz dengan berkongsi kepakaran masing-masing dalam selok-belok dunia perniagaan. Kisah mereka berkisarkan persahabatan, inovasi dan burger estetik yang anda tak nak terlepas! Dengarkan cerita mereka yang penuh inspirasi yang dihoskan oleh Syasya Madu. Strim episod ini sekarang!
Lihat Grill Haven di link ini:
Episode 4 hosted by Syasya Madu has landed featuring Hafiz Rahman and Afiq Nazar, the powerhouse duo behind Grill Haven. When COVID grounded their flights, these pilots found a new way to soar by grilling up the best burgers in town!
But that's not all – Hafiz spotted something special in Afiq's lemonade stand and knew they could achieve greatness together. He extended an invite, and the rest is delicious history. Their story is one of friendship, innovation, and mouth-watering burgers that you won't want to miss! Tune in for their inspiring journey, from sky-high ambitions to sizzling success. Stream this episode as a feast for the soul!
Follow us on Social Media here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naikgaji.my/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/naikgajimy/
Follow Hello Mentor on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2XquM47vpj8g4P5g0fBIfu?si=ecebd1c0d4ac43e3

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
S2 EP3 | Christy Ng - #OTW To Breaking Down Barriers and Ignoring Limits
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Join us for an inspiring episode of Hello Mentor featuring Christy Ng, the founder of Christy Ng Shoes. In this episode, Christy shares the challenges she faced in building her brand from the ground up, highlighting the pivotal role of mentorship and support from friends during her toughest times. From starting her business with a simple idea to now having multiple stores across the country, Christy's journey is a testament to resilience, innovation, and the power of a strong support network.
Tune in to hear her story and insights on entrepreneurship, growth, and the future of Christy Ng.
To check out Christy Ng, here are the links:
From a flea market shoe seller to serving an international customer base. It all started when Christina Ng who was working for a Swiss Pharmaceutical company decided to put her childhood dream to life and make some side income. After she started to design and market her shoes on Facebook, the news went viral and the Christy Ng Shoes’ fan page gained thousands of fans within the first month.
Follow us on Social Media here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/growwithhiredly/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hiredlymy/
Follow Hello Mentor on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2XquM47vpj8g4P5g0fBIfu?si=ecebd1c0d4ac43e3

Friday Jun 21, 2024
S2, EP2 | Hong Mei - #OTW To Building Your Personal Brand
Friday Jun 21, 2024
Friday Jun 21, 2024
刘红梅(Law Hong Mei)是The Olive Tree的创始人。她在41岁时开始了她的创业旅程。虽然在四十多岁才开始创业,但她在Triumph International和Levi Strauss的工作经验为她的创业奠定了坚实的基础。从去年开始,她在小红书、TikTok和Instagram上记录她的故事并分享她的知识,在短短15个月内就在小红书吸引了1.6万粉丝。
Hong Mei is the founder of The Olive Tree. She started her entrepreneurial journey when she was 41. Although she began her business in her forties, her vast experience in corporate roles at Triumph International and Levi Strauss provided her with a strong foundation to manage her business. Since last year, she has been recording her stories and sharing her knowledge on Xiao Hong Shu, TikTok, and Instagram, and has managed to gain an impressive 16k followers on Xiao Hong Shu within 15 months.
In this podcast episode, we'll dive into how Hong Mei crafted her personal brand. Hong Mei will share her journey from Levi's to entrepreneurship, her insights on building a strong personal brand on platforms like Xiao Hong Shu, tips for connecting with different generations, and strategies for keeping her brand genuine amidst the ever-evolving landscape of social media. She'll also open up about the hiccups she encountered along the way and the valuable lessons she learned, offer some friendly advice for young professionals looking to do the same, and discuss how her personal brand influences her leadership style and shapes the culture at The Olive Tree.
If you enjoy the podcast, do leave us feedback on our social media pages! It will help us understand our listeners better and help convince high-profile guests to join us on the show.
Follow us on Social Media here:
XiaoHongShu: https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/633a5910000000001802b63b
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zhixunbyhiredly/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@zhixunbyhiredly
Follow Hello Mentor!: https://open.spotify.com/show/2XquM47vpj8g4P5g0fBIfu?si=ecebd1c0d4ac43e3